Monday, January 10, 2011

Wasted Weekend

For the first time this winter the days and nights of the weekend seemed so dark and gloomy to me. I spent my time inside trying to stay warm. Most everyone I know dreads the longer nights and shorter days that envelope us through the fall and seemingly through the winter. My idea is, and has been, to focus on December 21st or 22nd and the winter solstice. The days become longer and the nights shorter. The problem is it just doesn't happen quick enough and certainly doesn't feel that way.

So, the cold really sets in and things feel completely grey and dark. The grass is completely brown and even the leaves have blown away that laid on the ground. I'm ready to warm up and feel some sunshine, but it's a long way off.

To torture my mood I looked at a calendar with the months in a line. There before me was a bit of a surprise. Thanksgiving, at least to me just passed, and that was six weeks ago! Now six week from today it will be the end of February and spring will be at the door. It doesn't warm me up very much, but if the days pass as quickly as they have since Thanksgiving, I may survive.

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